Overcome Circumstances by Discovering This Essential Key to More Contentment and Joy
Do you want more joy in life? We don’t often ask ourselves this, but it’s a worthwhile question. Ask: “Am I in the continual flow of Christ’s joy?” and “Am I satisfied with the amount I’m experiencing, or would I like more?” Most of us, myself included, would answer “no” to both questions. What about you? If you want more of Christ’s joy, let’s explore how to increase it together. As we examine ourselves, let’s look for discontentment with aspects of life. Following is my Top Ten Aspects of Life list. Consider this list and do an inventory.
As you review this list, pick out the areas of great contentment and joy. Then, smile, for these areas are ones to celebrate and for which to praise God. Now, pick out the one or two areas in which you have the most contentment and joy. Take these aspects of life into your prayer times with God and see what he says about them. Consider what actions to take in order to improve in areas of discontent. “What are you doing to increase your contentment and decrease your discontentment?” From what God has shown me, Christ-centered contentment is key to joyful living. The Apostle Paul explicitly discusses it in Philippians Chapter 4, which became an anchor verse for exploring this subject. “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:12-13 NIV Before we can fully experience joy, we have to ask ourselves what kind of joy we want. SEEK CHRIST’S JOY Do I want my version of joy? Or do I want God’s version? My version of joy leads me to serve my fleshly desires. After all, I want to be comfortable, feel good, and be happy. All three of these drivers can lead me to sinful behavior. A desire for comfort can transform into laziness. A desire to feel good can lead to over-eating, and focusing on personal happiness can lead to selfish, self-centered behavior. All three areas of sin rob me of Christ’s joy. How much greater and more lasting is God’s joy than ours? We are wise to opt for heavenly, eternal joy, which we can start experiencing now in some measure. BE CONTENT IN ALL THINGS The prerequisite for joy is contentment. If we are discontent, we block God’s joy from flowing in and through us. If our contentment is based on circumstances, we are bound to be discontent. The ups and downs of life create rollercoasters of emotion. If allowed, they will take us up and down like a yoyo. We can’t base contentment on momentary events. The Apostle Paul experienced tremendous extremes during earthly life yet found contentment “in any and every situation.” How? The reason lies between our ears. REMEMBER CHRIST’S JOY Think back to a time that you were in total, Holy Spirit-filled ecstasy. When I recall my last time experiencing an overflowing amount of Christ’s joy, I remember that experience, which was amazing. It was just last week singing in church, but I have not reflected on that overwhelming joy until now as I type these words. Why? My mind forgets things—small things and big things. It is far from perfect. What I read about is what I forget most. Word pictures are more memorable, but experiences often leave an indelible impression. A saying illustrates this: “I hear, and then forget; I see, and then remember; I do, and then understand.” Until we actually “do” the thing Paul did, we will likely not remember to employ this not-so-secret key to contented, joyful living. Even then, these experiences can be fleeting. What did Paul do that was so profound that he could find lasting contentment and great joy even in severely adverse circumstances? FULLY RELY ON CHRIST Paul's amazing ability to find contentment and joy stemmed from his unwavering reliance on Christ's strength. Despite facing numerous trials, vicious persecution, and constant uncertainty, Paul discovered the secret of contentment and joy through his deep relationship with Jesus Christ. The operative word here is “deep.” Paul's contentment didn’t depended on external circumstances but on his full trust in Christ's sufficiency and complete surrender to do God’s will. We, too, can surrender and rely entirely on Christ. By acknowledging our weaknesses and leaning on the Holy Spirit’s strength and power, we will resiliently endure inevitable hardships with a spirit of contentment. This will lead to us experiencing more and more of Christ’s joy. FOLLOW GODLY EXAMPLES Who do you know that is authentically full of Christ’s contentment and joy? Surrounding ourselves with those types of Christ-followers can have a very positive effect on us. Likewise, which Christ followers do you know that are most content in this earthly life? By following the example of the Apostle Paul and the example of others in our social circles, we can learn to experience greater contentment and joy. Let’s cultivate a deeper intimacy with Christ through prayer consistency, Scripture meditation, and Holy Spirit reliance. As we surrender our lives to Christ and trust in his unfailing strength, we can find contentment and joy that transcends our circumstances. "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 NIV The key to experiencing lasting joy and contentment lies in the depth of our relationship with Jesus Christ. By fully trusting in Christ’s strength and completely surrendering to God’s will, we will more frequently find contentment in every situation. This condition of our soul predisposes us to experience a fuller joy in knowing the most joyful being in all existence–God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May this be so in your life and mine. Your aspiring servant, Daniel M. May 10, 2024 POSTSCRIPT: Dear friends, if this transparent “Conversations with Christ” blesses you, please go to www.SOLIDpastors.org, where you will find these posted, and a repository of all, in English and Spanish. If you ever want to chat, you can reach me at [email protected]. May Christ bless you richly as you have your own intimate conversations with Christ. Comments are closed.