Dear friends, I occasionally read the daily devotional from "Jesus Calling." If you have never read it, I highly recommend you subscribe. I often read it in the middle of my day, and it serves to "refresh" my perspective and helps me reflect on eternity, our position... Dear friends, I occasionally read the daily devotional from “Jesus Calling.” If you have never read it, I highly recommend you subscribe. I often read it in the middle of my day, and it serves to “refresh” my perspective and helps me reflect on eternity, our position with Christ, and our eventual home in heaven. Here is the first paragraph from today’s “Jesus Calling” devotional:
JESUS CALLING “God’s Word tells us that God is like a Shepherd who takes care of us. He protects us from harm and He makes sure we’re nourished. One of the jobs of a shepherd is to provide the sheep with refreshment.” – Jesus Calling THOUGHTS ON OUR ROLE This made me think of a topic for today’s quiet time: We are all called to shepherd God’s flock. Here are my thoughts:
CONCLUSION The journey of faith in Christ is not solitary; it is about community, guiding, and nurturing one another. The calling of a shepherd is not reserved for a select few, but rather, it’s an invitation extended to each one of us. Being a shepherd, in the biblical sense, is about taking care of each other, ensuring that our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ are nurtured and protected. Our modern lives offer us unique platforms to shepherd – from our workplaces to our homes, from community groups to social gatherings. Each interaction is an opportunity to guide, to comfort, to support. It’s about recognizing the needs of others and acting in love and humility. Jesus exemplified the heart of a shepherd. He took care of the lost, the sick, the weary, and the downtrodden. When we embrace our role as shepherds, no matter our primary vocation, we’re essentially walking in His footsteps. This doesn’t mean we will be perfect; it means we strive to show His love and guidance in all we do. Remember, the heart of shepherding lies not in the title or role but in the actions and love we extend to others. Whether you find yourself in the marketplace or within the walls of a church, let the heart of a shepherd guide you in every interaction. May we always be reminded of our calling, to lead by example, to offer a hand when one is needed, and to reflect the love and care of our ultimate Shepherd. Embrace your role, for in doing so, you not only enrich your spiritual journey but also touch the lives of those around you in profound and everlasting ways. For Christ’s glory. Amen. Your aspiring servant, Daniel M. August 17, 2023 POSTSCRIPT: Dear friends, if this daily transparent “Conversations with Christ” blesses you, please go to, where you will find these posted, and a repository of all, in English and Spanish. Note: For ease of reference, all scriptures quoted are from the NIV. If you ever want to chat, you can reach me at [email protected]. May Christ bless you richly as you have your intimate, daily conversations with Christ. Comments are closed.