CO-AUTHORING WITH CHRIST Dear God, this last hour you and I had one of the most pivotal conversations of my walk with you, and I am in shock. It is very hard for me to comprehend the impact this direction you gave me is going to have on my career. Up until now, I have... CO-AUTHORING WITH CHRIST
Dear God, this last hour you and I had one of the most pivotal conversations of my walk with you, and I am in shock. It is very hard for me to comprehend the impact this direction you gave me is going to have on my career. Up until now, I have not spoken about you in the books that I write for organizational leaders. I have reserved that overt attribution to you for pastors and ministry leaders. Now, I am hearing you want me to be overt in my secular writing, and that is super scary. All my clients and colleagues are about to find out that I am a Christ-follower if I follow your direction. And, I am sure it is going to cost me business. I don’t really want to do this, but will, if you really want me to do so. Please confirm this, as it is a huge life and career-altering decision, and there is no turning back once I go public with my relationship with you. Dear child, I will guide your fingers, and give you the words to write. Do not be afraid. Remember, I am with you always. What did you get out of 1 Peter today, that relates to all this? 12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. (1 Peter 4:12-14 NIV) Lord, I don’t have a fiery ordeal, yet. But I am about to if I start being overt with the fact that I am a Christ-follower. I am sure that there will be overt attacks on social media against me. I will be maligned for my writing. I was so comfortable just an hour ago, and you have taken me way way out of my comfort zone. Well, what did you expect? Comfort? So many of my children want to be comfortable, so much so that my Gospel is not being preached. How can my children respond to my wisdom if those who write books fail to give me credit, and take the credit for my wisdom for themselves, like you have been doing? I repent, Lord. I am guilty of hiding behind the veil of my own wisdom, and failing to give you credit for the source of all wisdom. Sorry. Please forgive me. I forgive you my child. Go and sin no more. And quote me and my Holy Word. Give me all the credit and you will be blessed. No, you will not be comfortable. But I have not called my children to be comfortable. I have called you to be joyful in the midst of pain and suffering, while being persecuted for my name’s sake. Wow. This is heavy Lord. It is one thing to write books for Christian audiences, it is another to write books for secular audiences, and bring you into the picture. That is hard. With me, all things are possible. Now, go rest. You have a lot of work to do on your current manuscript. Even the current one Lord??? It was finished! Dear child, it is done when I say it is done. And you have not asked me if it were finished, did you? No. I just assumed that it was. Yes, I failed to ask you. And, yes, I get it. I have work to do on it. Ouch. This is going to hurt a lot. One step at a time, my child. Sometimes, it is one hour at a time. Just do the next right thing. Get your mind made up that you are not done. OK. I am not done. Got it. Well, my fingers are now yours. I thought I had surrendered everything to you, but the truth it, I was completely compartmentalized. I was bi-vocational, meaning that half the time, I was overt with my Christ-following, and half the time, no one knew I was a Christ-follower until I felt safe revealing that to them. Now, I am going to have to reveal the source of my “wisdom” before I feel safe to do so. That is scary. Child, if I am with you and for you, who can be against you. What can man do to you? How bad can it possibly get. Daniel in the modern lion’s den of social media and cancel culture. I like that. Ha ha ha. Funny Lord. Well, I guess I have to live up to my name’s sake. God is my judge! Only you Lord. I am not here to please anyone but you. Let the fireworks begin! Thanks my child. I am pleased with your reaction. Now, be strong. Be courageous. For I will be with you whatever you write and publish. Your way, or no way. That is my new motto. Amen. Your aspiring servant, and reluctant writer, Daniel M. 25 June 2023 POSTSCRIPT: Dear friends, if this daily, transparent conversation with God blesses you, please go to, where you will find these posted, and a repository of all, in English and Spanish. If you ever want to chat, reach out at [email protected]. May Christ bless you richly as you have your own intimate, daily Conversations with Christ. Comments are closed.