Dear Friends,
If you have been following this daily devotional over the years, you know it has evolved from the beginning of my postings of two-way prayer to more structured devotionals. Today, I felt led to return to the early days of the blog, where I simply posted my daily “conversations with Christ.” My reason for posting this transcript is to encourage you to have your own conversations with Christ. Albeit a learned skill, any Christ-follower can have this two-way dialogue with God. It is not reserved for those especially equipped to hear God. All it takes is a willingness to practice and faith that God is able to converse with you. Don’t expect to hear an audible voice, but just listen to the impressions Christ places on your heart as you sit with your Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, and the other two persons of the Blessed Trinity: God the Father and the Holy Spirit. If you are curious to read someone's unedited, private conversation with Christ, read on. If you are inspired to have your own two-way prayer time, even better. May your time with God be rich, regular, and reinvigorate you to dive deeper into a relationship with Christ, Lord of All. TRANSCRIPT OF TODAY’S CONVERSATION WITH CHRIST Good morning Father. Good morning Jesus. Good morning Holy Spirit. Three persons, one God. No, I don’t understand this. Can you help me know who I should be praying to? Dear child, you can choose any one of the personhoods of God, but we are one. No, you will not grasp this as a human being. Yes, you will understand this in heaven. Well, Jesus always prayed to the Father, and always showed deference to Him. I shall pray to the Father today. As you wish. I am here listening to you and having communion with you, child. Father God, I have missed these simple two-way prayer dialogues. The pressure of putting out a daily devotional sometimes takes me away from just “being” with you, with no special agenda. Today, I am not worried about producing anything. Just basking in the glow of you and your unconditional love for me. Thank you for that love. Dear child, I do love you, and all those who call out to me to save them. Yes, that is the key point, isn’t it? That we need to cry out to you, God of all that is seen and unseen, to save us. We need saving. We need to be rescued from our sinfulness that all stems from wanting to be equal to you. We want to be able to run our little lives and control our little world. And it does not work. We are not able to survive without you. We fail to realize this and think that we can. Time and again it becomes crystal clear to us that we cannot do anything without you, nor do we want to. You are the very life breath that keeps us here. May we never forget that and yield everything to you. My child, you are talking about surrender, which is something you talk to me about often. Yes, surrender to me and my Holy Spirit is critical for you to experience life on earth to the fullest. Living apart from a Spirit-led life will always leave you empty and wanting to fill the void with something. And the only solution that works is me and my Holy Spirit. Lord God, I truly desire your Holy Spirit to control my life. I do surrender to you. Please forgive me for any time where I have sinned against you. Please cleanse and purify me and make me into the man you want me to be. You are clean before me, child. Go in peace. Be filled with the joy of knowing me. Surrender all to me, and the blessings you will receive by doing so will easily replace what you are giving up. CONCLUSION I regret that my time has run out, and I need to prepare for work now. This prayer and meditation time has been rich and rewarding. I feel much more connected to Christ than when I first sat down to pray. Perhaps you will try this yourself. It all starts with sitting with God and starting a conversation. What to say? Start with “Good morning Lord” and let it go from there. Christ is your best friend if you are a Christ-follower. He is always there for us. He will always hear us. He will always move in our spirit to let us know how much He loves us. We just have to spend the time and effort to develop this skill of conversational prayer. PRAYER May your prayer times be enriched with this method of communicating with Christ. Amen. Your aspiring servant, Daniel M. December 14, 2023 POSTSCRIPT: Dear friends, if this daily, transparent “Conversations with Christ” blesses you, please go to, where you will find these posted, and a repository of all, in English and Spanish. If you ever want to chat, you can reach me at [email protected]. May Christ bless you richly as you have your own intimate, daily conversations with Christ. Comments are closed.