Ministry and marketplace leaders often possess an above-average internal drive to be productive and achieve results. It may be challenging for some of us to spend even ten minutes in total focus with Christ, excluding all else, and simply dwell with God. Yesterday, I did just that, and as I reflect back, I question myself: “What did I produce?” “What a foolish question,” you might say. And I would agree. I sat with our Master and dwelled in His presence. You would probably say, “That is enough,” and of course, you’d be right. So why do I feel the need to do more than that? Why is dwelling with Christ not sufficient? And if it is a major accomplishment, why don’t we do this more often?
For me, I’m wired to produce results. I like to look back on my day and see that my calendar was filled with appointments and that I helped a dozen or more people. Then, I have a sense of accomplishment. I tend to be a human “doing” and forget that God made me a human “being.” Every once in a while, I need a reminder to simply be – to just dwell – in the presence of Christ. As I type these words, I realize that right now I am doing more than just dwelling. So, I will pause here, spend some time in silent dwelling with Christ, and come back in a minute to finish this blog. You might want to try this too. Let’s set a timer for 10 minutes, and then I’ll come back and finish writing this blog post. Dwelling If you just tried that, I imagine we had similar experiences:
CONCLUSION There is great value in dwelling with Christ, not the least of which is the process of surrender that seems to always take place when we shut out the world and only focus on Him, Christ Jesus, our Lord and Master. I always provide scriptures for these blogs. Today is no different. Here are eight that encourage us to dwell often in the presence of Christ:
Your aspiring servant, Daniel M. December 27, 2023 POSTSCRIPT: Dear friends, if this daily, transparent “Conversations with Christ” blesses you, please go to, where you will find these posted, and a repository of all, in English and Spanish. If you ever want to chat, you can reach me at [email protected]. May Christ bless you richly as you have your own intimate, daily conversations with Christ. Comments are closed.