We are saved by faith, and saving faith produces good works. Those who lack works prove that they lack saving faith. For Scripture is clear: "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." (James 2:26 NIV)
The vast majority of Christ-followers today have it easy, myself included. Most of us rest in the generous grace Christ has bestowed on us and do not feel the need, let alone the pressure, to perform good works for Christ’s Kingdom. We are saved, and we are glad, and rest in that assurance of salvation. However, I do not see modern-day Christians necessarily motivated to become uncomfortable in order to actively work in fulfilling the Great Commission we have been given by Jesus Christ, our Teacher and Master. I pray that God will help us to become uncomfortable with being too comfortable, and that we become more willing to sacrifice our comfort for the greater good of the realization of Christ’s mission. His rallying cry for each of us is win-build-send. WIN-BUILD-SEND We are all called to actively help win people to Christ (WIN), help build them up in having deep and mature faith in Christ (BUILD), and fully equip and send them out to make disciples and do likewise (SEND). I am not saying that if you are not actively involved in Win-Build-Send then you are not a true believer. But I am saying that the Holy Spirit may not be totally free to do good works through you, and that you may not be fully alive in Christ. Or, I may be wrong, and you are in fact dead as you read this. I don’t know the condition of your soul. That is between you and your Maker, the author and perfecter of your faith. For sure, many who call themselves a Christian are fully dead and have only taken the name, but not the relationship. They are CINOs. Christians-in-name-only. I truly hope that is not you. FULLY ALIVE IN CHRIST What does it mean to be "fully alive in Christ?" Is it not a binary thing? Either you have Christ, or you don’t? Scripture tells us that there is a maturation process that occurs in Christ-followers, and that the more mature we become in Christ, the more we will be involved in partnering with Christ in His plan for us and the world. For me, to be fully alive in Christ is a day-by-day, moment-by-moment experience. It is not at all binary in the least. There are varying degrees of aliveness depending on the degree of me that is involved in the equation. "Less of me, more of Christ" is my rallying cry, and it works when I surrender to Christ and let Him have His way with me. Conversely, when I take control, my works do not honor Christ. Just the opposite, they are honoring me. Are we building idols, trying to be an idol, or worshiping the one true God who is the end all, be all for our existence? If we are honest with ourselves, too often we are giving lip service to our Christian walk, and not taking enough actions. Let us cast down every pretense that gets in the way of our good works for Christ’s greatest glory. CONSISTENT, DAILY ACTIONS I would submit to you that the more consistently we take daily actions to help expand Christ’s kingdom here on earth, the more fully alive we will be in Christ. Corresponding to this "being" will be our "doing." We will naturally do the things of the Spirit, and be less concerned about doing the things of the flesh. Our human desires will be less of a driver, and the Holy Spirit inside of us will be more in control to take us where Christ wants us to go. Where that is only God knows, but it is up to us to try to discern and follow God’s Plan, with a capital "P." We can’t very well do GOOD WORKS if we are not relatively dead to our selfish, self-centered desires and alive to Christ. We are all called to do good works to honor our heavenly Father. Jesus Christ demonstrated this during his three short years of ministry on earth. We constantly see Christ Jesus deferring to God the Father, and so should we. With the time we have left, let us dedicate this short stint on earth to invest in the treasures waiting for us with Christ in eternity. May our works glorify Christ our King! Your aspiring servant, Daniel M. February 26, 2024 POSTSCRIPT: Dear friends, if this daily, transparent “Conversations with Christ” blesses you, please go to www.SOLIDpastors.org, where you will find these posted, and a repository of all, in English and Spanish. If you ever want to chat, you can reach me at [email protected]. May Christ bless you richly as you have your own intimate, daily conversations with Christ. Comments are closed.