Forgiveness is central to being a Christ-follower. We can't give what we have not received. And so many sincere Christ-followers have a hard time with forgiveness, because they struggle with one or more critical steps in God's process. The following steps to... Forgiveness is central to being a Christ-follower. We can’t give what we have not received. And so many sincere Christ-followers have a hard time with forgiveness, because they struggle with one or more critical steps in God’s process.
The following steps to forgiveness are essential to be able to live in a world that continually requires us to seek Christ’s forgiveness, and grant it to ourselves and others. Step 1: Humbly ask Christ for forgiveness for any and all sins; be specific and remorseful. Step 2: Give Christ a commitment to strive to not sin again; be determined and hopeful. Step 3: Accept the generous forgiveness from Christ; be grateful and relieved. Step 4: Grant forgiveness to ourselves with the forgiveness of Christ; be compassionate. Step 5: Grant others forgiveness in the same way it was received from Christ; be graceful. GOD’S WORD ON FORGIVENESS Here are six quick points to inspire us to fully embrace forgiveness:
CONCLUSION Forgiveness is integral to being a Christ-follower. As recipients of God’s immeasurable grace, we must extend that same grace and forgiveness to others. Embracing forgiveness leads to transformed lives, mended relationships, and a deeper understanding of God’s love for humanity. May we all fully embrace Christ’s forgiveness. Your aspiring servant, Daniel M. August 27, 2023 POSTSCRIPT: Dear friends, if this daily, transparent “Conversations with Christ” blesses you, please go to, where you will find these posted, and a repository of all, in English and Spanish. Note: For ease of reference, all scriptures quoted are from the NIV. If you ever want to chat, you can reach me at [email protected]. May Christ bless you richly as you have your own intimate, daily conversations with Christ. Comments are closed.