Dear Father God, who am I?
You are my child. Who are you, Father? I am your Father. I love you immeasurably more than you can ever dream or imagine. There are no amount of words or thoughts that can adequately capture how much I love you. What is my identity beyond being your child? Is there anything else? You are spirit. You are a spiritual being designed to worship me. Father, I forget that all the time. How can I remember who I really am? Child, you have to consciously connect more often with me throughout your day. It is wonderful to have your full attention every morning, but it wanes throughout the day. You need more frequent points of contact with me. Lord God, help me to do that, please. Help me to remember you many times throughout my day. Ideally, I would always have you on my mind. But I get distracted with this world and all of the things in it. Child, you have a complicated life with many things trying to get your attention. I need to be first, always. In everything you do or say, I need to be on your mind and in your heart. Lord, help me to do that, please. Surrender daily to me with every fiber of your being, and stay surrendered throughout the day. One day at a time. Day by day, surrender to me, afresh and anew. Yesterday’s surrender is like yesterday’s manna. It is stale and not worth eating. You need fresh nourishment every single day. Come to me today and fully surrender all of you to me. Yes, Lord, I hereby surrender all to you. I put my wife at your feet. And my children. I put my family, friends, businesses, and material possessions all at your feet. I even put my identity at your feet. I have no identity other than the one you give me: "Child of God." Thank you for showing me who I am and whose I am. I belong to you. Yes, child. You were bought with a great price. That is how valuable you are. I treasure you and our relationship. It brings me great joy. Father God, it brings me great joy as well. Thank you for this time with you today. Please help me to remember you all day today and have many touchpoints with you throughout. Child, I am with you. Now and forever. Amen, Lord. Your aspiring servant, Daniel M. October 5, 2023 POSTSCRIPT: Dear friends, if this daily, transparent "Conversations with Christ" blesses you, please go to, where you will find these posted, and a repository of all, in English and Spanish. Note: All scriptures quoted are from the NIV. If you ever want to chat, you can reach me at [email protected]. May Christ bless you richly as you have your own intimate, daily conversations with Christ. Comments are closed.