In yesterday’s devotional, I promised to address “how” to identify strongholds. However, God led me in a different direction this morning during my quiet time. Instead, here is how to “overcome strongholds.” Maybe there will be a Part 3: How to Identify Strongholds. Maybe not. I’ll see which way the Lord leads when I sit with Him again tomorrow.
THE “HOW” OF OVERCOMING STRONGHOLDS These deeply rooted issues can and will be overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit, by the blood of Jesus Christ. Any entity or power that opposes God’s will in our lives must be brought down and defeated. As Christ-followers, spiritual warfare is part of our discipline and training on the unseen battlefield between God and evil. Overcoming strongholds requires a multifaceted approach that combines spiritual disciplines, scriptural truths, and practical steps. The battle against strongholds is both spiritual and practical, demanding a strategy that engages with our faith and daily actions. Here are some ideas on how to overcome three types of strongholds: • Personal strongholds • Other people’s strongholds • Community strongholds OVERCOME PERSONAL STRONGHOLDS As a recovered alcoholic, I can speak with authority on the stronghold of addiction. March 4, 1996, is my sobriety date, and I haven't had a sip of alcohol since. I accepted Christ as my Savior in 1982, but for 14 years as I grew as a sincere Christ-follower, my alcoholism grew as well. I kept it a secret until I could no longer, publicly admitted defeat, and surrendered this stronghold to Christ’s healing hand. Here are some steps you can take, in partnership with Christ, to break a stronghold in your life:
“Lord Jesus, food is a stronghold in my life, and I repent from the sin of gluttony. Please forgive me, break this stronghold in my life, and heal me of my malady. I pray for a covering of protection with the blood of Jesus, who can break this stronghold. I surrender to you and your Holy Spirit, and give my food consumption to you. Please take full control of my diet, Lord, break this stronghold, and glorify yourself through a transformation in my dietary habits. Amen.” HELP THOSE WE LOVE OVERCOME STRONGHOLDS God wants us to actively minister to others. Christ wants us to love everyone, not just those close to us, such as family and friends. However, those are the ones with whom we have the greatest insights, so it makes sense that when we consider helping others overcome strongholds, this is the first place we look. Here are some things we can do to help break strongholds in others:
Any group of people can constitute a community. From the micro-group of your small group or local church to the macro-group of your city or entire country, the various communities in which you operate all have strongholds. Here are some things you can do to engage in spiritual warfare on behalf of Christ in a given community:
Overcoming strongholds requires a concerted effort of prayer, engagement with Scripture, and practical steps towards healing and freedom. It's a journey that involves not just the individual but also the support and love of those around them, and a reliance on God's power to transform and renew. Whether personal, in those we love, or within our community, the path to overcoming strongholds is paved with grace, truth, and the relentless pursuit of God's will. Your aspiring servant, Daniel M. February 29, 2024 POSTSCRIPT: Dear friends, if this daily, transparent “Conversations with Christ” blesses you, please go to, where you will find these posted, and a repository of all, in English and Spanish. If you ever want to chat, you can reach me at [email protected]. May Christ bless you richly as you have your own intimate, daily conversations with Christ. Comments are closed.