Yesterday, my blog was on "The Greatest Covenant"–that being the New Covenant, as detailed in the New Testament. Today happens to be our wedding anniversary, so I was inspired to write about the marriage covenant.
First, I must say I am deeply grateful to my wife, Patty, for the covenant of marriage we share, and I celebrate her as a godly woman who is a credit to the description we find in Proverbs 31. I am most grateful to Christ for blessing me with a "lifetime" wife–she is perfectly suited to span a lifetime with me, and that is saying a lot. Marriage is sacred. God ordained this institution. We who are so blessed to have the tremendous gift of a spouse must respond with devotion, loyalty, and selflessness. Many ministry and marketplace Christ-following leaders have fallen and failed in their marriages. Satan has a target on the back of all spouses. The only way to win at long-term marriage, from what I have learned, is by faithfully walking in obedience to Christ, daily mutual prayer, and constant focused work to grow together as a Christ-following couple. MARRIAGE BY THE BOOK When Patty and I married, we agreed to base our entire marriage on Christ and His Holy Word. Verses like Ephesians 5:25-33 have been very meaningful. This passage speaks about the love and respect that should exist between husbands and wives, comparing it to Christ's love for the church. And of course, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Often referred to in the context of love and marriage, this passage defines love in a patient, kind, and enduring way. Without our mutual submission to Christ and His Word, there would be no hope for us and millions of other ministry and marketplace leaders. PRAYER Lord, please have your way with our marriages. May we glorify you with this sacred covenant we have made to each other as witnessed by you. Please protect us from Satan and his demons who seek to destroy the bond you have created. May we stay under your protection always by walking in obedience to Christ Jesus our Lord and Master. Amen. Your aspiring servant, Daniel M. December 13, 2023 POSTSCRIPT: Dear friends, if this daily, transparent "Conversations with Christ" blesses you, please go to, where you will find these posted, and a repository of all, in English and Spanish. If you ever want to chat, you can reach me at [email protected]. May Christ bless you richly as you have your own intimate, daily conversations with Christ. Comments are closed.